RefControl Variables
If you have selected the Custom option, you can include a variable in the string
by writing a dollar sign followed by the name of the variable, like so: $VARIABLE.
The following variables are currently available:
Variable name | Description |
URL | the URL that is currently being requested |
REF | the unmodified Referer |
You can also include just part of one of the above variables by following the name of the
variable by an underscore and the name of the part, like so: $VARIABLE_PART.
The following parts are available:
Part name | Description | Example for |
SCHEME | The scheme, which represents the protocol which is being used (http or https) | http |
USERNAME | The HTTP username, which is rarely used | myuser |
PASSWORD | The HTTP password | mypass |
USERPASS | The username and password, separated by a colon. If the password is not present then this contains just the username. | myuser:mypass |
HOST | The hostname of the web server | |
PORT | The port number of the web server, by default 80 for http and 443 for https | 8080 |
HOSTPORT | The hostname and port number, separated by a colon. If the port is not specified then this contains just the hostname. | |
PATH | Everything after the hostname and port (includes the leading slash) | /dir/page.html |
PREPATH | Everything that comes before the path | |
The Normal option is the same as a Custom of $REF.
The Forge option is the same as $URL_SCHEME://$URL_HOSTPORT/.
If you wish to act like Forge but instead send the entire URL as the Referer
instead of the root of the site, you can use $URL.
To include a literal $, use $$. If you need to follow a variable by alphanumeric characters
you can surround the variable name with curly braces. For instance, ${REF_SCHEME}x will
expand to httpx or httpsx. Just using $REF_SCHEMEx will not work because
that will attempt to expand a variable named REF_SCHEMEx which does not exist.
Copyright © 2008 James Abbatiello
$LastChangedDate: 2008-02-02 14:06:44 -0500 (Sat, 02 Feb 2008) $